Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jack-O-Lantern or Pumpkin CD Craft

I posted this on a few years ago.

Jack-O-Lantern or Pumpkin CD Craft

  • Age Guideline: 5 Years and Up
  • Time Required: 30 minutes (Does not include drying time)
The above age and time guidelines are estimates. This project can be modified to suit other ages and may take more or less time depending on your circumstances.
Materials Needed:
Draw curved lines on the shiny side of both CDs (top to bottom) with orange marker. Draw triangle eyes and mouth with black marker on both CDs. Paint CDs with orange suncatcher paint, painting over the drawings. Suncatcher paint dries transparent and lets whatever is underneath shine through. Be sure not to press too hard with the paint brush, it will smear the marker. Let dry.
To make the vine, leaf, stem, and nose, print out Kathy's patterns (Download PDF Patterns |Download JPG Patterns) or draw your own. Using green craft foam and patterns, cut out a stem, leaf and vine. Using black craft foam and pattern, cut out two triangles for the noses.
Punch a hole at the top of the stem. Using the hot glue gun attach leaf to the vine and the vine to the stem. Then glue the stem to the top reverse side of one CD. Glue CDs together so the paint is facing out. Kathy used cool melt hot glue. Glue triangle noses to the center of the CDs (one on each side), hiding the hole in the middle. Attach a string and hang.
Kathy explains, "I made these with my special needs students for Halloween. They looked great hanging from our classroom ceiling. One of my students does not celebrate Halloween, so he made a CD Pumpkin (the same project, but no facial features)."